We cannot allow the President's proposed budget to take effect because of the following:
A 31% budget reduction for Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA was founded by a Republican president nearly 50 years ago and has protected the air, land, water, and health of all Americans ever since. It is responsible for enforcing critical protections such as the Clean Air Act, which prevented over 1.7 million asthma attacks and 160,000 premature deaths in 2010 alone.
The Budget will eliminate the following:
Corporation for National and Community Service which funds AmeriCorps, the public service work program for the young, and Senior Corps, a similar program for older Americans. It provides grants to nonprofits to improve economic opportunity, health, and youth development.
A pre-disaster mitigation program run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency gives money to state and local communities to reduce risks before future disasters. Studies have indicated that for every $1 spent, $4 in potential disaster cost was saved.
Choice Neighborhoods: this small project in the Department of Housing and Urban Development was launched in 2010 to redevelop distressed communities, and cost $125 million in fiscal 2016.
Meals on Wheels is one of the best known grantees of Community Development Block Grant, a program that funds local projects and addresses a variety of challenges, including retaining local businesses and expanding affordable housing.
20 smaller independent agencies, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the Legal Services Corporation, which finances legal aid groups.
State and other development programs reduced by 29%, the prime target: the United Nations. Diplomacy and climate-change initiatives at the United Nations would lose all their U.S. funding.
Justice Department reduced by 20%, cutting programs classified as “mandatory,” such as Crime Victims Fund and cuts to prison construction. But calls for increase in number off immigration judges and the hiring 20 lawyers for seizure of private property in the Southwest, from landowners in Texas to California.
Health and Human Services reduced by 16%, eliminating $4.2 billion in community services programs like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. Cutting spending to the National Institutes of Health by $5.8 billion.
Education reduced by 14%, eliminating funding for before- and after-school and summer programs, "significantly reducing" Federal work-study, and eliminating the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, which is reserved for college students with the greatest need. But calls for increase in public and private school choice programs, championed by Education Secretary Betsy Devos, by $1.4 billion.
Click here for the Complete Proposed Budget
Contact your Members of Congress to block Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts.
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Please block Donald Trump's budget to slash funding. We must demand push back on the proposed budget cuts before they take effect in an actual budget