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  • ​Donald Trump signed his new executive order banning people from 6 predominantly Muslim countries from entering the US, exempting Iraq, permanent residents, and current visa holders.


  • But the heart of the sweeping executive action is still intact. ACLU advocates call it a Muslim Ban 2.0 and vow to fight it in court as they did with the first one and won.


  • Margaret Huang, the executive director of Amnesty International USA, said in a statement that the new order would “cause extreme fear and uncertainty for thousands of families by, once again, putting anti-Muslim hatred into policy.”


  • ACLU recommends to let our Senators know that we oppose the new muslim ban: “We won’t be fooled. This is the same hateful, illegal discrimination as before. Make sure your senators know that this changes nothing – the only way to fix an unconstitutional Muslim ban is to get rid of it.”


  • Use this link to connect to ACLU’s email campaign to your U.S. Senators registering your opposition: ACLU email campaign


Suggested Language for Postcard: If you prefer to send a postcard to your Senators, you can use the following suggested text to create your message:


“Trump's newest executive order singling out refugees and people from six Muslim-majority countries has the same fatal flaws as his first attempt. It does not represent American values and it violates our Constitution. The only way to fix a Muslim ban is to get rid of it. As your constituent, I implore you to do everything in your power to publicly denounce, oppose, and fight Trump's unconstitutional Muslim ban.Your role as an elected representative has never been more important in representing my voice at this critical moment. I applaud senators who have taken a stand. And I am keeping my eyes on those who haven’t. My fellow constituents and I will not stand for prejudice by executive order. We need you to go on the record to denounce this "revised" executive order and any Muslim ban. We already know what the right side of history is.

Will you join us on that side?”


"Know Your Rights" Click on Know Your Rights to take you to the ACLU's website. It is a good reference and the text is available in many different languages.






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