The outline of the proposed “tax plan” benefits highest earners and largest holders of wealth, according to economists and analysts. It increases the deficit and does not provide tax breaks for the middle class. The middle class will see a decrease in services they count on in order to keep the deficit in check.
The main points that can be gleaned from what was introduced are that it wants to
Cut the business tax rate to 15% (currently 35%).
Eliminate the Estate Tax and Alternative Minimum Tax.
Fight the House proposal to limit the tax benefit of debt that real estate companies enjoy.
Limit itemized deductions to mortgage interest and charitable contributions.
Eliminate state and real estate tax deductions.
Without seeing Trump's tax returns, it is unclear how much Trump himself stands to personally gain from his tax reform plan, and the American people deserve to know if their President is prioritizing their financial welfare or his own.
CONTACT: Senator Robert Menendez , a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax legislation in his chamber.
Demand: A fair Tax Plan that keeps the deficit in check and the release of Donald Trump’s "Tax Returns ”.
Suggested Language for Phone Calls, or FAX using Resistbot by texting “RESIST” to 50409:
I urge you to demand release of all important details of a more fleshed-out Tax Plan that will make transparent its effects on the Budget Deficit and on each of the various income groups. I insist that no tax plan is approved without the release of Trump’s Tax Returns.
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