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BID's youngest member, Romi Azulay, was one of the main speakers at the Bergen March For Our Lives on March 24, 2018. The younger generation shows us the way. We admire their eloquence and courage. They will change the world.

Our members made signs and participated in marches from Englewood and Hackensack to New York and Newark in support of the students March For Our Lives

on March 24, 2018.


"This revolution has to come from us." BID's very own, Romi Azulay, our youngest member and one of the main organizers of the Tenafly High School walkout, in his own words! We' re very proud of Romi and his classmates for their work. His classmates, Eli Glass and Dani Naidrich, worked with him to put the event together!! Hear them ROAR!!

WOMEN'S MARCH 2018 - BID Representing NJ at the 2018 Women’s March on NYC!

"I am proud to know women throughout our state who are relentless in their commitment to progress and, as we look to the New Year, I am optimistic about the change that we will create in New Jersey - together." Senator Loretta Weinberg

NJ State Senator Loretta Weinberg (photo right) includes 

BID President, Lori Sackler (photo left) in her



Our work is noticed and recognized!


BID's Election Action 2017 kick-off event on October 5 was very well attended in a spirit of camaraderie and female solidarity. Democratic women local and state candidates talked about their experiences and efforts to flip republican districts. NJ State Senator, Loretta Weinberg, running for re-election, explained the secrets of success and the challenges female candidates face, and Julie O'Brien of WEDO gave a number of practical tips of how to support women candidates in our communities. Elizabeth Coulter from the Murphy for Governor campaign explained the Democratic gubernatorial candidate's positions on women issues. Candidates in attendance were: Jannie Chung, Councilwoman from Closter and candidate for District 39 NJ State Assembly, Annie Hausmann, candidate for District 39 NJ State Assembly, NJ State Senator Loretta Weinberg, running for re-election, Aparna Aparna Toshniwal Mulchandani for Ramsey Council, Lauren Dayton, candidate for Tenafly Council. We also organized phone banks for our endorsed candidates, making over 600 calls in a few hours, and co-sponsored events with the Murphy campaign and the Democratic Committee of Bergen County, hosting Tammy Murphy, our next first lady, and entertainer and activist Chelsea Handler. We are elated that 6 out of the 12 candidates that we had endorsed got elected, a 50% success rate, and those not victorious managed to make a serious dent in Republican strongholds. The fight goes on.  

Bergen Indivisible for Democracy (BID) sent much love and plenty of postcards to Alabama voters on Dec. 4, 2017. Our amazing volunteers  wrote 800 postcards to registered Alabama voters asking them to consider voting for Democrat Doug Jones who is taking on Republican Roy Moore facing serious sexual assault accusations. Our event was part of an ambitious national volunteer effort, "Postcards to Voters."  We had an amazing turnout and plenty of camaraderie in the room. 


NORTHERN VALLEY PRESS: Local students stand in solidarity with Florida shooting victims in school walkouts, March 19, 2018, Link to Article  -  PDF File


Romi Azulay, BID's youngest member told the Northern Valley Press: “We, the students of [Tenafly High School], no longer feel safe in our schools.” “We have seen school shootings, which are a unique phenomenon in the United States, go on for far too long. Too many innocent lives have been lost; so as we mourn their deaths and remember their lives, we are also standing up as a school and saying that we want to see change.”


THE RECORD: Activists planning training session, by Catherine Carrera, March 3, 2018, Link to Article


“Voting is the number one tool we have to change anything at all,” said Alexandra Spyridaki, spokesperson for Bergen Indivisible for Democracy, which is hosting the training at 9 a.m. on Saturday at the Central Unitarian Church on Forest Avenue.


"Since starting a local chapter a year ago, Lori Sackler, BID President, says she feels "empowered to take action" whenever she meets with the 257 active members of her group. Sackler's group is based in the state's 9th Congressional District, where Democrat Rep. Bill Pascrell has been in office since 1996. Although the district is not in jeopardy of losing the seat to a Republican, Sackler said she and her group members did not want to stand by without taking action."Instead of sitting home and being anxious, we’re an outlet for people who want to feel like they’re doing something," said Sackler, who works full-time as a financial adviser."


BID Candle Vigil and Rallying for Peace: Northern Valley Press, August 18, 2017 Link to Article  / The Record, August 13, 2017,  Link to Article


NORTHERN VALLEY PRESS: Group hosts ACLU leader: Advocate praises local actions, by Susan McTigue, April 24, 2017

Bergen Indivisible for Democracy (BID) hosted ACLU-NJ Legal Director Ed Barocas at its meeting on Wednesday, April 19. Barocas commented that he has “seen a resilience to fight back that I’ve not seen in the 16 years I’ve been with the ACLU.” New Jersey membership in the ACLU jumped from under 15,000 to over 40,000 following the presidential election and the immigration ban. Click Here for Full Article


THE RECORD: Tenafly Declares Itself a 'Welcoming Community', by Deena Yellin - April 24, 2017

The borough council has adopted a resolution declaring Tenafly a "welcoming community," and pledging that law enforcement authorities will not profile residents based on religion, race or immigration status.


Alexandra Spyridaki, who has lived in Tenafly since 1992, applauded the vote. "This speaks volumes for our town," Spyridaki said. "I'm very proud to be a Tenafly citizen. I don't want police officers to stop people and ask them for papers. That's not the town I live in."  


Caren Turner, called the resolution a positive first step. "Now we need to have this change in the whole county," Turner said. Click Here for Full Article


THE RECORD: Tenafly Provides Safe Zone for Students, by Deena Yellin - April 8, 2017

The Tenafly school district has declared its schools safe for all students, regardless of their immigration status or that of their families.


Lori Sackler, founder and president of Bergen Indivisible for Democracy and a longtime Tenafly resident, said she strongly supports that resolution because "Creating a sense of safety for all the members of our community is of paramount importance to us." Click Here for Full Article



NORTHERN VALLEY SUBURBANITE: Tenafly Provides Safe Zone for Students, by Deena Yellin - April 13, 2017 

The Tenafly school district has declared its schools safe for all students, regardless of their immigration status or that of their families.


Lori Sackler, founder and president of Bergen Indivisible for Democracy and a longtime Tenafly resident, said she strongly supports that resolution because "Creating a sense of safety for all the members of our community is of paramount importance to us." Click Here for Full Article



March for Science - April 22, 2017 in NYC

We Marched to make sure our children are educated in science. This is for our and their future. We must expose them to STEM if we expect to compete in a global economy.


We Marched to ensure that funding is not cut for the NIH,CDC,EPA, and grants for private enterprises including universities and colleges and also for public universities and colleges as well as hospitals and research centers.


We Marched because we don't accept climate change denials. We Marched because this is the only Earth we have. 

BID members showing their support March for Science

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